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Es luft gerade .......

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von Ganimed, 1. Juni 2003.

  1. oli2000

    oli2000 Rest-Optimist

    iTunes Radio > Reggae/Island > Creation Steppin’ Radio

  2. Ganimed

    Ganimed New Member

    Come Away Melinda

    Uriah Heep
  3. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Electioneering – Radiohead

    I will stop
    I will stop at nothing
    Say the right things
    When electioneering
    I trust I can rely on your vote

    When I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet

    Riot shields
    Voodoo economics
    It's just business
    Cattle prods and the IMF
    I trust I can rely on your vote

    When I go forwards you go backwards and somewhere we will meet
  4. Ganimed

    Ganimed New Member

    Man Who Dies Every Day

  5. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    The Tourist – Radiohead

    It barks at no one else but me
    Like it's seen a ghost
    I guess it seen the sparks a-flowing
    No one else would know

    Hey man slow down, slow down
    Idiot, slow down, slow down

    Sometimes I get overcharged
    That's when you see sparks
    You ask me where the hell I'm going
    At a thousand feet per second

    Hey man slow down, slow down
    Idiot slow down, slow down

    Hey man slow down, slow down
    Idiot slow down, slow down
  6. Ganimed

    Ganimed New Member

    Do You Dream Of Me

  7. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    (Nice Dream) – Radiohead

    They love me like I was a brother - they protect me - listen to me.
    They dug me my very own garden - gave me sunshine - made me happy.
    Nice dream.

    I call up my friend the good angel - but she's out with her ansaphone.
    she says she would love to come help but the sea would electrocute us all.
    Nice dream.

    If you think that you're strong enough.
    If you think you belong enough.

    Nice dream.
  8. applez

    applez New Member

    this corrosion, sisters of mercy
  9. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    SCSI-9 von Mornig Star.

    Sehr süß. Suuumm. Plingbing. Pifbum. Ding.
  10. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

  11. danchoice

    danchoice New Member

    re-evolute von puppetmataz
  12. danchoice

    danchoice New Member

    @ Convenant:
    scsi-9 - all she wants is
    im robag wruhme remix
    unbedingt anhören!
    gruß daniel
  13. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Ja, würde ich ja gerne … doch wo, nur wo?
  14. curious

    curious New Member

    emptiness, emptiness,emptiness


    of the wand and the moon..
  15. danchoice

    danchoice New Member

    @covenant: slsk

    ich habs grad nur auf vinyl da....;-)

  16. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Tja, that's life.
  17. BigBoogie

    BigBoogie Gast

    The Voice within, Christina Aguilera, toller Song.

  18. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Japanese Cowboy – Ween
  19. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Hash Pipe – weezer
  20. Convenant

    Convenant Haarfestiger

    Collapsed – Velvet Acid Christ

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