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alte ati grafikkarten vielleicht doch!?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Hardware" wurde erstellt von DonRene, 10. Februar 2002.

  1. DonRene

    DonRene New Member

    Drivers for ATI Rage Pro and Rage II?
    Posted 9:18 AM on Thursday, January 31, 2002 by serpicolugnut

    ThinkSecret is reporting that ATI is in the process of developing OS X drivers for their Rage Pro and Rage II chipsets, which are found on first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops. The chipsets are currently unsupported by Apple in OS X, and are unable to take advantage of OpenGL. No timetable is given for a release.


    ATI to develop Mac OS X drivers for older graphics chips
    By Nick dePlume, Publisher and Editor in Chief

    A source on the show floor of Macworld Expo/San Francisco earlier in the month said that ATI is planning to write Mac OS X drivers for the Rage Pro and Rage II graphics chips. These graphics chips can be found in first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops, but introduce incompatibilities when used with OS X.

    "It's about time," said one Apple insider upon hearing the news. Apparently, it had been unclear up until now as to whether Apple would be developing the drivers, or ATI.

  2. DonRene

    DonRene New Member

    Drivers for ATI Rage Pro and Rage II?
    Posted 9:18 AM on Thursday, January 31, 2002 by serpicolugnut

    ThinkSecret is reporting that ATI is in the process of developing OS X drivers for their Rage Pro and Rage II chipsets, which are found on first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops. The chipsets are currently unsupported by Apple in OS X, and are unable to take advantage of OpenGL. No timetable is given for a release.


    ATI to develop Mac OS X drivers for older graphics chips
    By Nick dePlume, Publisher and Editor in Chief

    A source on the show floor of Macworld Expo/San Francisco earlier in the month said that ATI is planning to write Mac OS X drivers for the Rage Pro and Rage II graphics chips. These graphics chips can be found in first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops, but introduce incompatibilities when used with OS X.

    "It's about time," said one Apple insider upon hearing the news. Apparently, it had been unclear up until now as to whether Apple would be developing the drivers, or ATI.

  3. DonRene

    DonRene New Member

    Drivers for ATI Rage Pro and Rage II?
    Posted 9:18 AM on Thursday, January 31, 2002 by serpicolugnut

    ThinkSecret is reporting that ATI is in the process of developing OS X drivers for their Rage Pro and Rage II chipsets, which are found on first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops. The chipsets are currently unsupported by Apple in OS X, and are unable to take advantage of OpenGL. No timetable is given for a release.


    ATI to develop Mac OS X drivers for older graphics chips
    By Nick dePlume, Publisher and Editor in Chief

    A source on the show floor of Macworld Expo/San Francisco earlier in the month said that ATI is planning to write Mac OS X drivers for the Rage Pro and Rage II graphics chips. These graphics chips can be found in first-generation iMacs, iBooks, PowerBook G3s, and G3 desktops, but introduce incompatibilities when used with OS X.

    "It's about time," said one Apple insider upon hearing the news. Apparently, it had been unclear up until now as to whether Apple would be developing the drivers, or ATI.


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