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dear mr. curious*

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von curious, 8. November 2002.

  1. curious

    curious New Member

    ...so eine dämliches Abzocker SPAM wie heute habe ich noch nie erhalten:

    >>Dear Mr. Curious*

    I am Ibrahim Gana of cititrust bank PLC .I am the personal account
    manager to Mr.Jim CURIOUS a nationale of your country, who used to
    work with shell development company here inNigeria.On the 21st April
    2000, our customer, his wife And their three children were involved
    in a car accident along sagbama express road. All occupants of the
    vehicle unfortunately lost there lives. Since then I have made
    several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of his extended
    relatives this has also proved unsuccessful.

    After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to track his
    last name over the Internet, to locate any member of his family hence
    I contacted you. I have contacted you to assist in repartrating the
    money and property left behind by our customer before they
    getconfisicated or declared unserviceable by our bank where he
    deposited sum off 14.7million dollars in our bank the CITI TRUST
    BANK the banking guidelines of CITI TRUST BANK stipulates that if
    such money remained unclaimed for over a period of time 2 years and
    few months, with the account unservicable the money will be
    confisicated and this will happen after the next then days if nobody
    comes for the money Since we have not seen any body for the money
    and his property for the last two years and our bank has been
    notifying the notary club for the past one year, now

    I seek your consent to present yourself as the next of kin of the
    deceased since you have the same last name so that the proceeds of
    this account valued at US$14.7 million dollars can be paid to you and
    then you and me can share the money.

    I guarantee that this will be executed under legitimate arrangement
    that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please get in touch
    with me by this email: ibragana@inbox.net to enable us discuss further.

    Best regards,

  2. aika

    aika New Member

    klingt doch besser als die jämmerliche kettenbriefidee...
  3. Macmacfriend

    Macmacfriend Active Member

    Quelle ist die sog. Nigeria-Connection. Bei den
    Staatsanwaltschaften türmen sich bereits tausende
    solcher und ähnlicher Schriftsätze.

    Wenn man sich auf solche Schreiben meldet, teilt
    einem die Gegenseite mit, dass man zur Deckung
    der Behörden- und Bankgebühren doch bitte einen bestimmten
    Betrag überweisen möge.

    Tja, und davon hätte man dann besser in einen schönen
    neuen Mac investiert ;-)
  4. Da würde ich sofort mitmachen, klingt nach einer grundsoliden Sache.
  5. macmiguel

    macmiguel New Member

    Da schlägt man doch zu.
    Schick dem doch Deine Adresse und er soll mit nem LKW das Bargeld anliefern.

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