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Durch Umfragen ein paar Euros dazuverdienen

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von kefek, 12. März 2006.

  1. Sluggahs

    Sluggahs Teilzeitschizzo

    Werbung für kostenlose iPods machen. :p
  2. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    ... komisch, mir auch! Aber ich soll ihm vorher einen Schrank voll Gratis-iPods nach Lumumba-Town fedexen, damit er dort irgendwelche Zollangestellen damit bestechen kann :D

    Ciao, Maximilian
  3. pewe2000

    pewe2000 New Member

    Bei mir isser nicht mit ’nem Flugzeug abgestürzt sondern man hat ihn schlicht in der MIR vergessen und das ganze Gehalt ist aufgelaufen. Aber irgendwie klappt das nicht alles so recht mit der Überweiserei. Habe schon ein Heidengeld investiert. Aber wenn’s dann kommt, bin ich saniert.

  4. resedit

    resedit Alles ist gut!

    Ich muss echt mal wieder mein Junk-Email-Fach unter die Lupe nehmen. Da stehen so viele spannende Geschichten drinnen, da kann ich mir glatt das Geld für die Leihbücherei sparen ;-)
  5. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    Und ich hab mich noch richtig gefreut, als Strato vor zwei Wochen endlich ein funktionierendes Spamfilter intsllaliert hat ... doch wenn ich das jetzt lese, tut es mir gleich wieder leid um die viele verpasste Gratis-Lektüre ... vielleicht wäre es ja eine Marktlücke für die Gratis-Industrie, Spam-Mail-Inhalte als Hörbücher auf Gratis-iPods zu verschenken :cool: ?

    Ciao, Maximilian
  6. MacBelwinds

    MacBelwinds New Member

    Das Geld von Herrn Lumumba habe ICH längst... Tja, früher aufstehen! :cool: :pirat:
  7. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    Dafür bekomme ich jetzt das Geld von Herrn Mokoena :D : (sind zwar nur 15 Millionen Dollar, aber wer wird da kleinlich sein?)

    Barr. Joshua Mokoena
    Brian, Walker & Associates
    13 Batman House
    London, SE1 62PT
    United Kingdom
    I am Joshua Mokoena an  attorney to a deceased  Immigrant property magnate  who was based in the U.K.,  Also referred to as my  client.
    On the 25th of July 2000, my  client, his wife and their  two Children died in the Air  France concord plane crash  bound for New York in their  plan for a world cruise,  http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/w orld/europe/859479.stm
    Since then I have been  managing his properties here  in the U.K. and some of his  properties, which he put out  for sale. Which I monitored  the payment as his attorney,  has been bought and paid  for. Now the money paid was  deposited into his Local  account here. I have  contacted you to assist in  repatriating the money and  property left behind by my  client before they get  confiscated or declared  unserviceable by his bank.
    Particularly, the bank has  issued me a notice to  provide any of his next of  kin or have the account  confiscated within a short  time. My late client has an  account valued at fifteen  million five hundred  thousand dollars. Since I  have been unsuccessful in  locating the relatives for  some time now, and with the  bank giving me deadline, I  now seek your consent to  present you as the next of  kin of the deceased, so that  the proceeds of this account  valued at fifteen million  five hundred thousand  can  be paid to you and then you,  and I can share the money.  Fifty percent to me and  forty percent for you and  ten percent for  miscellaneous expenses that  might arise. I have all  necessary information that  can be used to back up any  Claim we may make.
    All I require is your honest  co-operation to enable us  seeing this deal through. I  guarantee that this will be  executed under a legitimate  arrangement that will  protect you from any breach  of the
    law. Trust me, as his  attorney; this is a  risk-free relationship.
    Send me your full names and  address, telephone and fax  numbers to enable us discuss  further about this  transaction.
    Best regards,
    Joshua Mokoena
    Und ich dachte, die Passagiere der verunglückten Concorde seien sämtlich Deutsche gewesen ... aber man lernt eben nie aus.
    Und alles, was mir zu meinem Glück jetzt noch fehlt, ist eine Faxnummer :cry:

    Ciao, Maxmilian
  8. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    Gerade habe ich von Herrn Massa Bwana Ogbodu ein neues Angebot bekommen, 15,4 Millionen - noch weit weg von 50, aber die Richtung stimmt :D

    Dear Friend,
    I crave your indulgence for the unsolicited nature of this letter, but it was borne out of desperation and current development. please bear with me.
    My name is Mr.John Ogbodu,  an Internal Auditor of one of the leading banks in West Africa, here in this bank existed a dormant account for the past 11 years. 
    When I discovered that there had been no deposits nor withdrawals from this account for this long period and our banking law stipulates that any un serviceable account for more than 12years will go into the bank revenue as an unclaimed fund.
    My colleagues and I, have made our own personal inquiries about the depositor and the next of kin but sadly,the depositor and his entire family died in a plane crash, we only made this investigation just to be double sure of this fact and since we have been unsuccessful in locating the Relatives. I seek your consent to Present you as the next of kin of the deceased.
    As  auditor in the bank I will use my position in the bank to present you as the next of kin to the estate,   so that the proceeds of this account valued at $15.4 million dollars can be transfered to you,this is the story in a nutshell.
    Now I want an account overseas where the bank will transfer this funds.Thereafter, I had planned to destroy all related documents for this account. It is a careful network and for the past eleven months I have worked out everything to ensure a hitch-free operation. The amount is not so much at the moment and plus all the accumulated interest the balance in this account stands at-(US$15.4million US dollars).
    Now my questions are:-
    1. Can you handle this project?
    2. Can I give you this trust?
    3. What will be your commission/percentage? If you can sponsor this transfer.
    Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible.
    All what we require is your honest co-operation to enable us see this deal through, I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law, please get in touch with me by my e-mail to enable us outline to you our strategy on how to go about this, You may also send your phone number so that I can call you.
    Finally, it is our humble prayer that the information as contained herein be accorded the necessary attention, urgency as well as the secrecy it deserves,
    I Expect your urgent response if you can handle this project. For Confidentiality sake do send your response to (johnogbodu11@jmail.co.za)
    Respectfully yours,
    Mr.John Ogbodu
  9. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    Willst Du sie denn wirklich lesen :eek:) ? Ich nicht ...
    Auf dem 40 Zoll Bildschirm, den ich mir von der Anzahlung von Herrn Bwana gleich gekauft habe, hat der Text übrigens wunderbar Platz!

    Ciao, Maximilian

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