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geil, mein mac hat jetzt 1152 mb ram

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von billy idol, 15. November 2002.

  1. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

    wollte nur mal meiner freude freien lauf lassen. junge junge sind die ram preise gefallen... und das beste, einfach im dosen-laden geholt! wenn der verkäufer wüsste... ;-)
  2. charly68

    charly68 Gast

    gefallen?? tztz gestiegen. was haste bezahlt?
  3. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

    512 für 54 öre. infineonchip
    find ich jedenfalls billig.
  4. charly68

    charly68 Gast

    für die alten mac's oder?. dann gehts ja. für den rest kannste ja noch einen kasten bier holen :)) ALTBIER !
  5. RaMa

    RaMa New Member

    soviel? ;-))))
  6. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

  7. charly68

    charly68 Gast

    wie soll ich den nach stuttgart kommen? wenn the cure dort mal spielen dann ja *g*
  8. RaMa

    RaMa New Member

    >>wie soll ich den nach stuttgart kommen?

    per pedes :)

    ich glaub stuttgart ist zu klein für the cure :))
  9. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

  10. RaMa

    RaMa New Member


    ps. *flüster**weristdendanzig*
  11. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

    *flüster**dasistdanzig* ;-)

    During his time in the seminal hardcore band the Misfits, vocalist Glenn Danzig displayed a fascination with outlandish, graphic, often gory imagery; in forming the more heavy metal-oriented band Samhain, Danzigs lyrics delved into typical metal subject matter, but took the concept of darkness to an extreme. After the demise of Samhain, Danzig formed his own eponymous band with Samhain guitarist John Christ, ex-Rosemarys Babies drummer Eerie Von on bass, and longtime hardcore drummer Chuck Biscuits (D.O.A., Black Flag, Circle Jerks); this band would prove a more effective vehicle for Danzigs obsession with the dark side. While that obsession can seem cartoonish at times, there is more to the band than meets the eye  Danzig obviously relishes casting himself as the menacing, evil heavy metal frontman, and his theatricality often seems to indicate that his posturing is not meant to be taken very seriously. At the same time, the darkness of Danzigs vision has increasingly expressed itself over the bands career in a heavily romanticized, brooding, gothic sensibility, more quietly sinister and darkly seductive than obviously threatening or Satanic, and the groups music has progressed from simple, blues-based heavy metal riffs to more atmospheric, coldly haunting song textures that attempt to sonically replicate the feel of the lyrics.

    Glenn Danzig cofounded the Misfits in Lodi, NJ, in 1977. When the hardcore band broke up in 1983, Danzig formed the metallic, brooding Samhain in order to experiment with different sounds, but that project imploded as well. The band Danzig was put together in 1987, and quickly inked a deal with Rick Rubins Def American label. Their self-titled debut found Danzig playing the Satanic metal singer role to the hilt, even if the bands songs sounded much the same. Danzig II: Lucifuge followed in 1990, and it broadened the bands musical palette, expanding on the simple blues riffs of the debut with more extensive forays into that style. Danzig III: How the Gods Kill marked a full-fledged entry into the realm of gothic romanticism, working to create moods rather than pounding heavy metal aggression; Dirty Black Summer and How the Gods Kill became staples on MTVs Headbangers Ball. Glenn Danzig next released a solo project, Black Aria, a quasi-operatic attempt at classical instrumentals depicting the fall of Satan from heaven. The band broke through into the mainstream in 1993, when a live video for Mother, a song originally released on Danzig, became an inescapable smash on MTV and even charted as a single, nearly cracking the Billboard Top 40. Meanwhile, Danzig contributed a track entitled Thirteen to Johnny Cashs acclaimed 1994 effort American Recordings. The more experimental Danzig 4 was released in 1994 and entered the charts at number 29, but its quiet, moody, atmospheric subtlety didnt find as much favor with the bands new audience as the anthemic Mother, while some longtime fans dismissed it as mellow and therefore commercial. During the supporting tour, Chuck Biscuits left the band and was replaced by Joey Castillo. Following the tour, Danzig broke up the band and formed a new version featuring ex-Prong guitarist/vocalist Tommy Victor, drummer Castillo, and bassist Josh Lazie; this lineup released Danzig 5: Blackacidevil on Halloween 1996. Blackacidevil was ignored by both the press and the public, falling out of the charts after a mere three weeks. 6:66 Satans Child followed in 1999; Live on the Black Hand Side appeared two years later
  12. FatMac

    FatMac New Member

    Glenn Danzig. Multigenialer Typ: Musiker (von der Band namens "Glenn" ;), Comicverleger, Vergnügungsparkbesitzer usw. Geschmacksache, halt.
  13. billy idol

    billy idol New Member

    hey fatmac, vielleicht kannst du deine angebetete mit danzig oder misfits rumkriegen?! geh doch mal mit ihr auf irgendein konzert, dann weisst du gleich wie sie unterwegs ist...
    viel glück
  14. morty

    morty New Member

    auf dem Weg nach München kommst Du da doch immer vorbei *g*

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