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God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson...

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von TOCAMAC, 8. Juni 2005.


    TOCAMAC Alles wird gut.

    Anne Bancroft ist tot.


    We'd like to know
    A little bit about you
    For our files.
    We'd like to help you learn
    To help yourself.
    Look around you. All you see
    Are sympathetic eyes.
    Stroll around the grounds
    Until you feel at home.

    And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson,
    Jesus loves you more than you will know
    Wo wo wo
    God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson,
    Heaven holds a place for those who pray
    Hey hey hey, hey hey hey

    Hide it in a hiding place
    Where no one ever goes.
    Put it in you pantry with your cupcakes.
    It's a little secret,
    Just the Robinsons' affair.
    Most of all, you've got to hide it
    from the kids.

    Coo coo ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
    Jesus loves you more than you will know
    Wo wo wo

    God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson,
    Heaven holds a place for those who pray
    Hey hey hey, hey hey hey

    Sitting on a sofa
    On a Sunday afternoon,
    Going to the candidates' debate,
    Laugh about it,
    Shout about it,
    When you've got to choose,
    Every way you look at it you lose.

    Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
    A nation turns its lonely eyes to you
    Ooo ooo ooo.

    What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
    "Joltin' Joe has left and gone away"
    Hey hey hey, hey hey hey
  2. maximilian

    maximilian Active Member


    Dieses Zitat von ihr habe ich gerade gelesen:

    "Life is here only to be lived so that we can, through life, earn the right to death, which to me is paradise. Whatever it is that will bring me the reward of paradise, I'll do the best I can."

    Ich wünsche ihr, dass sie dieses Ziel erreicht hat.

    So long, Maximilian

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