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Iphone für inernationale benutzer

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von chris89, 29. Juni 2007.

  1. chris89

    chris89 New Member

    guetn abend,
    ich bin soeben auf folgendes text gestoßen komme jedoch mit der englishen sprache nicht so guut zurecht. kann mir einer sagen was da drin steht? kann man das iphone ohne zusätzliche gebühren international also auch in deutschland benutzen??
    und schaut euch mal das bild unten an wo die einzelnen gebühren gelistet sind. da steht unter der tabelle in orange : included features.....................................
    hier der text aus dem at&t vertrag:

    International Roaming: Substantial charges may be incurred if phone is taken out of the U.S. even if no services are intentionally used. Off-net Usage: If your minutes of use (including unlimited services) on other carrier networks (“off-net usage”) during any two consecutive months exceed your off-net usage allowance, AT&T may, at its option, terminate your service, deny your continued use of other carriers’ coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for off-net usage. Your off-net usage allowance is equal to the lesser of 750 minutes or 40% of the Anytime Minutes included with your plan. AT&T will provide notice it intends to take any of the above actions, and you may terminate the agreement

    Roaming: Roaming charges for data or voice service may be charged with some plans when outside the AT&T network. Display on your device will not indicate whether you will incur roaming charges. Services originated or received while outside your plan's included coverage area are subject to roaming charges. Use of Services when roaming is dependent upon roaming carrier's support of applicable network technology and functionality. Check with roaming carriers individually for support and coverage details. Billing for domestic and international roaming usage may be delayed up to three billing cycles due to reporting between carriers. International Roaming: See www.AT&T.com/AT&Tworld for more information and for a list of currently available countries and carriers. Compatible international-capable handheld required. Certain countries and/or carriers within a roaming zone may be unavailable with certain plans or Services while roaming. Availability, quality of coverage and Services while roaming are not guaranteed. Rates apply to AT&T customers only. Certain tenure, billing and credit restrictions and additional charges may apply.

  2. batrat

    batrat Wolpertinger

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