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The English Thread

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von Rocko2, 8. Oktober 2004.

  1. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    This ist too high for me.
  2. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Currently my zickiest ingredients for such a schlampy outfit are fishnet stockings where my meat quells out between the meshes. Not a tasty onlook!
  3. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    Urmel is dead. Another sad story. Mupfel-intoxication.
  4. Trapper

    Trapper New Member

    It helps to pronounce the second part in a middle-franconian way :D
  5. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    Must it not be fish that quells out between the meshes?
  6. graphitto

    graphitto Wanderer

    Its wonderful. Very wonderful! :D

    gruß or greets
  7. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    Sorry, my knowledge about strange german dialects is not whole so good as my english.
  8. Kate

    Kate New Member

    .. fish have dandruff on and need not fishnet stockings. A common mistake in thinking. There are you on the woodway.
  9. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    Say this not! I like outquelling piggypink meat. Mainthing you shunkel not how the Cologners.
  10. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    Shit, a look on my watch tells me that it is time to listen at my cushion because tomorrow I must early out. That is not what I understand under a weekend.

    Sleep good! Dream what nice!
  11. Trapper

    Trapper New Member

    This sentence sounds like: "Däi Weißwoschd is fei daier, abber goud!"

    Which means in highgerman: "Die Weißwurst ist zwar teuer, aber gut!" :party:
  12. Kate

    Kate New Member

    I must say you having a very bad taste. I shudder alone from thinking how that looks when I not only quetsch myselft into those stockings, but also quetsch additional fish in like suggested over on top.
  13. maiden

    maiden Lever duat us slav

    you all have something on the waffel

    N8 tugätter
  14. Kate

    Kate New Member

    ;( ;( ;(

    rotten stinky Mupfels! I believed it is safe in the months where a letter R ins in the name? But it must be a rotten joke, R is for ROTTEN!

    And now Urmel looks the radieschen from under.
  15. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    Important is yes only, that the radieschen taste better with Urmel under them.
  16. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    mupfel, my mupfel, has in the grass bitten?
    that is uncarriable - my mupfel.
    that can you me not ondo!
  17. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    what happened to the fischoeder-canu? I was so suspensed...
  18. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    Be not sad. Urmel can look from under to the radieschen over him. He is sure very happy.
  19. Kate

    Kate New Member

    i am crying my soul out of the body and you make yourself funny over me. I will not eat radieschen with Urmel-flavour. Not so long i live!
  20. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    over him - who? is urmel a boy? And when I take away the radieschen, urmel will cry and everything is wet down under.

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