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The English Thread

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von Rocko2, 8. Oktober 2004.

  1. Kate

    Kate New Member

    This is a Mupfel. A murder Mupfel. Do not interest yourself in the murderer from Urmel. It is not the case that fischoeder-canu had a bad youth and you must have understanding for it. I am for the death sentence for murder Mupfel. Down with it.
  2. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    Kate, dive the radieschen then in the ketchup. Then Urmel tastes how a tomato in a hunter green sleeping gown and not how a radieschen.
  3. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Urmel is a boy. It has eaten Mupfels. Stinky Mupfels. Girls eat not stinky things. But Urmel has a schnuller and can tröst itself in heaven. I will tröst myself too with a tabacco schnuller, go into my bed and heul my head pillow wet. Not only is Urmel dead, it is a boy over in.

    One unluck comes never alone.
  4. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    you could as well put some italian mushrooms into the ketchup, as prices are very low this year.
    In ducky-logic: put 1 kilo truffalo into the salsa, and you do not have to think about a new mac g5.
    very comfortable.
  5. Kate

    Kate New Member

    I will it me through the head going letting. I can nothing promise.
  6. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist


    This is yes more than I hoped had.
  7. Kate

    Kate New Member

    good night to all sides. I must switch out the light because i now go into my bed and must clothes out draw before and want not that you see something.
  8. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    I know not... why should we eat urmel in hunter green when he has eaten rotten mupfel?
    nono - I will first take one tobacco schnuller like kate and let it all go over my ghostly eye.
  9. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Yes so am I. Too good for the world.

    I must search the fishnet stockings. If i can not find them i will think the night over them and be a wreck on the morning. This you have me on doing. You should shame yourself.All.
  10. Ganimed

    Ganimed New Member

    Sleep very well in your Bettgestell!

    or so
  11. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    ok, I will shame me all until morning.
    you find the duck at the dock hunting green mupfels with some ridiculous net...
  12. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    No no. Think on Rocko2. He has sure much learned while we spoked english.

    P.S. Dream what nice from me.
  13. Kate

    Kate New Member

    you are a good soul. The Augsburger puppet box is your thankful. Girls are more brav than jungs. I take it as it comes, but Urmel looks the radieschen from under makes me ready.

    Fix and ready.

    I need sleep. I come tomorrow with breadchen.
  14. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    I bring the coffee with. Tea must you make self.
  15. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    good idea. when i am ready with fishing I come too and we make a morning session with breadchen and jam.
    sleep beautiful! and dream sweet.
  16. Kate

    Kate New Member

    not for the school but for the life learn we. Rocko2 had a beforegoer ? Rocko1 ? Does Rocko1 too look the radieschen from under ? The number two rocko can value itself lucky that he has us to learn him english so good after we let Rocko1 look the radieschen from under, not true?

    Now I will dream of you all and let many sheep jump before my eyes .
  17. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    and make you no sorrows because your fishing net stockings: I bring them to the breakfast!
  18. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist

    Mainthing you dream not from Redwinefriend. But he has sure also what learned when he this reads.
  19. Trapper

    Trapper New Member

    There can you poison upon take!
  20. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    oops, almost 2 watch.
    yes, there will I too go to bed.

    good nite kate, good nite macixus, good nite trapper, good nite redwinefriend.

    And forget not the marmelade.

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