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The English Thread

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von Rocko2, 8. Oktober 2004.

  1. macixus

    macixus Hofrat & Traktorist


    I go now too in my bed. Good night you all.
  2. Trapper

    Trapper New Member

    Thanks, likewise.
  3. starwatcher

    starwatcher New Member

    siss is ä gräät sret. let mi teik se oppotunity to wisch ju oll a gud mornink
  4. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Good morning eveybody! I will now throw me in my clothes and got to the baker to whole some breadchen. I have thick eyes.

    I need coffee to again up come.But before I can the house leave I must my lipstick through my face draw because it otherwise looks not out. And you can yes laugh, but I need also a eyelid line before I trust myself into the public.

    The last time when I to the baker went and had no make up on a small girl has cried tears when it me saw. I then look out how a old witch.

    I will also chocolate croissants withbring. Chocolate helps against early morning knüssel in the face. I have already the coffee machine on.

    If you all comes in five minutes is the breakfast ready. Hurry you.
  5. danilatore

    danilatore Moderatore Mitarbeiter

    What the hell is a "Mupfel"?
  6. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Opensightly you know not Urmel. Therefore can you also not know Mupfel.

    i tell you what, go to the dealer and buy yourself the video "Urmel aus dem Eis" from the augsburger puppet box. This is great!

    I give you a togetherholding of the story: Prof. Habakuk learns animals speak. He gets strong againstwind from his academic friends. He goes on a island and learns all animals speak.

    His cleaning woman is a pig "Wutz" and he learns all the animals of the island talk. "Ping" the pinguin und "Wawa" the big eidechs have language errors. Lifpeln, you know? Wawa has a big shell. In deutsch Muschel, but Wawa can not "sch" speak. He says Mupfel. Ping and Wawa will always be inside the big Mupfel. Wawa must Ping throw out often. Wawa sleeps in the big Mupfel often.

    Later they find a big egg. The professor says it is egg of a dinosaur. Mrs. Wutz breeds it out. Urmel comes out and they adopt it. It walks everywhere around with a schnuller around the neck. First learns it the Professor talk. But it talks not. later it talks. It goes too in the Mupfel.

    And then comes a big animal hunter in a liftscrewer. He wants the dinosaur shoot. He sees Urmel and wants it shoot because he wants the head nailed on a wood board and hang it on the wall in his house.

    And the story goes further....

    Mupfel ist the language error full version of Muschel.
  7. Kate

    Kate New Member

    I have earlypiece eaten and feel know full of deedpressure. I must out go and buy eat for later.

    I will look what I can do this english learn fred successfull to make.
  8. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    something for all people, who like english AND good art.
  9. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    Hey donald105, there is an immi-thread where you accidentally not have posted yet. Are you ill?
  10. Kate

    Kate New Member

    Thank you, you are the goose who lays golden eggs. Pretty greetings to Düssel-village! Drink a Schuhmacher on my health.
  11. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    nono. me not ill. me doing household on holy saturday.
    plepaling sa-leeping-loom for winter: bed on other side of loom, away flom windo.
    now not so cold nitetime.
  12. macNick

    macNick Rückkehrer

    That besilences me. I have already thought that you are in troubles after I saw that you have not reacted on immis posting.
  13. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    me so solly - no dlinkin schumacher. no dlinkin alt.
    but me dlinkin jever: on you health!! chok deeeee!!!!
    (gettin cold in jerrmeniee.. ducky wants fly to where warm...)
  14. Rocko2

    Rocko2 New Member

    This is very very amusing. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) to all of you.

    I think we are now ready to start another foreign language thread. Maybe a french one, cause English and French are the only foreign languages I can understand.

    And yes Kate, please, we want to see Örmel in fishnet stockings (or didn't I understand it right?)

    Sorry for starting the thread an just letting you go ;), but during the weekend its not easy to spend time on my mac, because there are so much other things to do.

    Have a nice week-end in fishnet-stocking Örmel-costumes or whatever. Greets, Rocko
  15. Kate

    Kate New Member

  16. Paparatze

    Paparatze New Member

    Wen I order ä dräss ät träshi.komm, does the girl in the price wis inkludiert??? Still äxpänsif, souh! Äniwäy, ei sink Ei täk se Cätwomän. Or se Mulä Rusch?! Oh no, kän Ei känzel mei order?! Ei täk se Pussycat and se Nürs Dsche-String. Oh no, I bätter täk se Lädi Buck
  17. Borbarad

    Borbarad New Member

    Oh man, whats wrong with this forum now? It seems someone has switched this damn server to wrong language.
    So, please PM click on the Union Jack in the Finder-menu and change back the language to German

    By the way, has anyone been to uncle Heise? Its seems there will a GEZ tax for internet ready PCs(Macs inclueded)in 2005

    This sucks complety ;( ;( ;( ;(

  18. Kate

    Kate New Member

    The Minister presidents are suckers.
  19. Paparatze

    Paparatze New Member

    I lof se Grät Einzugs Zentrale!!! I rieli do! Säi ah mei bäst fränds. Säi lof me so, sej visit mi from teim tu teim änd Ring Ring ät se Dor. Bat Ei äm ollrädi angemeldet. Se Radio. Ei häf no Tivi. Hau Komms? Säi mast luf mi!
  20. donald105

    donald105 New Member

    ju kän trei tu let sem in.
    inweit sem piepel tu häw samm tie or so änd sen törn se räjdio on. werry laud, so sät sey noj, rieli rieli sätt ju lissen tu se räjdio. Änd miehnweil you present sem oll jor kontoauszüge wiss se abbuchung from se grät einzuchzentrale. Änd iff sey do not belief ju häw no tiwi, you täik sem into jor zellar än schou sätt ser is no tiwi ät oll.
    Schudd wörk.

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